Class SHAiButtonUser33


public class SHAiButtonUser33 extends SHAiButtonUser

Class representing DS1961S (or DS2432), family-code 0x33, SHA iButtons as a user token in SHA Transactions.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ibc33

      protected OneWireContainer33 ibc33
      Reference to the OneWireContainer
    • copr

      protected SHAiButtonCopr copr
      Must maintain a reference to the coprocessor for generating the COPY_SCRATCHPAD authentication. This is what is referred to as the write-authorization coprocessor.
  • Constructor Details

    • SHAiButtonUser33

      protected SHAiButtonUser33()

      No default constructor for user apps. At bare minimum, you need a reference to a SHAiButtonCopr for the transaction system and a SHAiButtonCopr for generating the DS1961S write authorization for the copy-scratchpad command.

      Note: These can be the same coprocessor if you're transaction system is using unsigned transaction data.

      See Also:
    • SHAiButtonUser33

      public SHAiButtonUser33(SHAiButtonCopr copr, OneWireContainer33 owc, boolean formatDevice, byte[] authSecret) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Initialize a DS1961S as a fresh user iButton for a given SHA service. This constructor not only creates the service file for the user iButton using the TMEX file structure, but it also installs the master authentication secret and binds it to the iButton (making it unique for a particular button). Optionally, the device can be formatted before the service file is installed.

      Note: With this constructor, the master secret is installed and bound to the iButton, so the final secret is none by the object. For that reason, a hardware coprocessor is not necessary for generating the write-authorization MAC.

      copr - The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and recreating his unique secret.
      owc - The DS1963S iButton that this object will refer to.
      formatDevice - If true, the TMEX filesystem will be formatted before the account service file is created.
      authSecret - The master authentication secret for the system.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      See Also:
    • SHAiButtonUser33

      public SHAiButtonUser33(byte[] coprBindCode, byte[] fileName, int fileNameExt, OneWireContainer33 owc, boolean formatDevice, byte[] authSecret) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Initialize a DS1961S as a fresh user iButton for a given SHA service. This constructor not only creates the service file for the user iButton using the TMEX file structure, but it also installs the master authentication secret and binds it to the iButton (making it unique for a particular button). Optionally, the device can be formatted before the service file is installed.

      Note: With this constructor, the master secret is installed and bound to the iButton, so the final secret is none by the object. For that reason, a hardware coprocessor is not necessary for generating the write-authorization MAC.

      coprBindCode - The Coprocessor Bind Code without the information.
      fileName - The file name from the Coprocessor.
      fileNameExt - The file extension from the Coprocessor
      owc - The DS1963S iButton that this object will refer to.
      formatDevice - If true, the TMEX filesystem will be formatted before the account service file is created.
      authSecret - The master authentication secret for the system.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      See Also:
    • SHAiButtonUser33

      public SHAiButtonUser33(SHAiButtonCopr copr, SHAiButtonCopr authCopr, OneWireContainer33 owc) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Creates a valid SHAiButtonUser object. If the service file, whose name is taken from the SHAiButtonCopr, is not found on the user iButton, a OneWireException is thrown with the message "Invalid SHA user".

      Note: The same coprocessor can be used for write-authorization as authentication if you're transaction system is using unsigned transaction data.

      copr - The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and recreating his unique secret.
      authCopr - The SHAiButtonCopr used to generate the write-authorization MAC for the copy-scratchpad command of the DS1961S.
      owc - The DS1961S iButton that this object will refer to.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      See Also:
    • SHAiButtonUser33

      public SHAiButtonUser33(byte[] coprBindCode, byte[] fileName, int fileNameExt, OneWireContainer33 owc) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Creates a valid SHAiButtonUser object. If the service file, whose name is taken from the SHAiButtonCopr, is not found on the user iButton, a OneWireException is thrown with the message "Invalid SHA user".

      Note: The same coprocessor can be used for write-authorization as authentication if you're transaction system is using unsigned transaction data.

      coprBindCode - The Coprocessor Bind Code without the information.
      fileName - The file name from the Coprocessor.
      fileNameExt - The file extension from the Coprocessor
      owc - The DS1961S iButton that this object will refer to.
      authCopr - The SHAiButtonCopr used to generate the write-authorization MAC for the copy-scratchpad command of the DS1961S.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      See Also:
    • SHAiButtonUser33

      public SHAiButtonUser33(SHAiButtonCopr copr, SHAiButtonCopr authCopr)

      Creates a mostly uninitialized SHAiButtonUser object. This constructor merely copies the coprocessors 7 byte binding code into a local cache and stores the name of the account service file used for all user iButtons.

      Since this constructor leaves data uninitialized, you should be very careful with the use of it. It is expected that after calling this constructor, the user will call setiButton to finish the initialization process. On memory-starved platforms, this should help optimize memory usage.

      Note: The same coprocessor can be used for write-authorization as authentication if you're transaction system is using unsigned transaction data.

      copr - The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and recreating his unique secret.
      authCopr - The SHAiButtonCopr used to generate the write-authorization MAC for the copy-scratchpad command of the DS1961S.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setiButton33

      public boolean setiButton33(OneWireContainer33 owc) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Modifies this SHA iButton so that it refers to another DS1961S container. This function only copies the reference to the OneWireContainer, copes the reference to it's 1-Wire address, and then asserts that the iButton contains a valid account info file associated with the system.

      owc - The OneWireContainer33 this object will refer to.
      true if a valid account service file exists on this OneWireContainer33.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • setiButtonUser

      public boolean setiButtonUser(DSPortAdapter adapter, byte[] address) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Modifies this SHA iButton so that it refers to another 1963S. If this object already has an appropriate instance of OneWireContainer, that instance is updated with the new address.

      Specified by:
      setiButtonUser in class SHAiButtonUser
      adapter - The adapter that the device can be found on.
      address - The address of the 1-Wire device
      true if a valid account service file exists on this OneWireContainer18.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • setiButtonUser

      public boolean setiButtonUser(byte[] address) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Modifies this SHA iButton so that it refers to another device. If this object does not already has an appropriate instance of OneWireContainer, it returns false immediately, because there is no adapter info available. Otherwise, it reuses the same adapter.

      Specified by:
      setiButtonUser in class SHAiButtonUser
      address - The address of the 1-Wire device
      true if a valid account service file exists on this OneWireContainer18.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • getWriteCycleCounter

      public int getWriteCycleCounter() throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Returns the value of the write cycle counter for the page where the account data is stored. If the write cycle counter has ever been retrieved, this returns the cached value. Otherwise, this method reads the value from the part.

      Since the DS1961S has no "write cycle counters", this function always returns -1.

      Specified by:
      getWriteCycleCounter in class SHAiButtonUser
      the value of the write cycle counter for the account data page.
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • hasWriteCycleCounter

      public boolean hasWriteCycleCounter()

      Returns true if this buttons account data is stored on a page that has a write cycle counter.

      Since the DS1961S has no "write cycle counters", this function always returns false.

      Specified by:
      hasWriteCycleCounter in class SHAiButtonUser
      true if account page has write cycle counter.
    • getFullBindCode

      public void getFullBindCode(byte[] l_fullBindCode, int offset)

      This function creates the full 15-byte binding data for the coprocessor to use to recreate this user's secret on the copr's workspace page. This function is located in the SHAiButtonUser class to support binding codes for user buttons who use alternate techniques (such as the DS1961S) for secret computation.

      For the DS1963S user iButton, the format of the full bind code is as follows:

            ( 0x0000FF ), ( 0x0000FF ), ( 0x0000FF ), ( 0x0000FF ),
            (svcPageNum), (deviceAN+0), (deviceAN+1), (deviceAN+2),
            (deviceAN+3), (deviceAN+4), (deviceAN+5), (deviceAN+6),
            ( 0x0000FF ), ( 0x0000FF ), ( 0x0000FF )

      Specified by:
      getFullBindCode in class SHAiButtonUser
      offset - the offset into fullBindCode where copying should begin.
      bindCode - the 7-byte binding code from coprocessor's service file
      fullBindCode - the 15-byte full binding code to to be copied into the coprocessor's scratchpad. There should be 15 bytes available starting from the offset.
    • getAuthorizationCommand

      public byte getAuthorizationCommand()

      Returns a byte representing the appropriate authorization command for the coprocessor to use to authenticate this user. For a DS1961S, the authentication command is AUTH_HOST.

      Specified by:
      getAuthorizationCommand in class SHAiButtonUser
      byte indicating appropriate command for authenticating user
    • writeAccountData

      public boolean writeAccountData(byte[] dataBuffer, int offset) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Writes the account data to the SHAiButton. First, this function asserts that the account page number is known. The account data is copied from dataBuffer starting at the offset. If there are less than 32 bytes available to copy, this function only copies the bytes that are available.

      Note that for the DS1961S user button, an authorization MAC must be generated for the copy-scratchpad command. Since the scratchpad is only 8 bytes long, this must be done 4 times to write a page of data. So, this function only writes (in 8 byte blocks) the bytes that have changed.

      Specified by:
      writeAccountData in class SHAiButtonUser
      dataBuffer - the buffer to copy the account data from
      offset - the index into the buffer where copying should begin
      whether or not the data write succeeded
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • readAccountData

      public boolean readAccountData(byte[] dataBuffer, int offset) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Reads the account data off the SHAiButton using a standard READ command. First, this function asserts that the account page number is known as well as the length of the account file. The 32 byte account data page is copied into dataBuffer starting at the given offset.

      Specified by:
      readAccountData in class SHAiButtonUser
      dataBuffer - the buffer to copy the account data into
      offset - the index into the buffer where copying should begin
      whether or not the read was successful
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
    • readAccountData

      public int readAccountData(byte[] chlg, int chlgStart, byte[] dataBuffer, int dataStart, byte[] mac, int macStart) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException

      Reads the account data off the SHAiButton using a READ_AUTHENTICATE command. First, this function asserts that the account page number is known as well as the length of the account file. Then it copies the 3 byte challenge to the scratchpad before sending the command for READ_AUTHENTICATE. The 32 byte account data page is copied into dataBuffer starting at dataStart.

      In addition to the account data, this function also returns a calculated MAC. The MAC requires 20 bytes after the start index. The return value is the write cycle counter value for the account data page

      Specified by:
      readAccountData in class SHAiButtonUser
      chlg - the buffer containing a 3-byte random challenge.
      chlgStart - the index into the buffer where the 3 byte challenge begins.
      dataBuffer - the buffer to copy the account data into
      dataStart - the index into the buffer where copying should begin
      mac - the buffer to copy the resulting Message Authentication Code
      macStart - the index into the mac buffer to start copying
      the value of the write cycle counter for the page
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
    • refreshDevice

      public boolean refreshDevice() throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException
      Refreshes eeprom SHA devices in case of weakly-programmed bits on the account page.
      refreshDevice in class SHAiButtonUser
      true if the refresh was successful