Class AbstractEssFeneconCommercial40Pv

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModbusComponent, OpenemsComponent, ModbusSlave, EssDcCharger, EssFeneconCommercial40Pv, TimedataProvider, org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
EssFeneconCommercial40Pv1Impl, EssFeneconCommercial40Pv2Impl

public abstract class AbstractEssFeneconCommercial40Pv extends AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent implements EssFeneconCommercial40Pv, EssDcCharger, ModbusComponent, OpenemsComponent, TimedataProvider, org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler, ModbusSlave
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractEssFeneconCommercial40Pv

      public AbstractEssFeneconCommercial40Pv()
  • Method Details

    • isPV1

      protected abstract boolean isPV1()
      Is this PV1 or PV2 charger?.
      true for PV1, false for PV2
    • defineModbusProtocol

      protected ModbusProtocol defineModbusProtocol()
      Description copied from class: AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent
      Defines the Modbus protocol.
      Specified by:
      defineModbusProtocol in class AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent
      the ModbusProtocol
    • debugLog

      public String debugLog()
      Description copied from interface: OpenemsComponent
      Gets some output that is suitable for a continuous Debug log. Returns 'null' by default which causes no output.
      Specified by:
      debugLog in interface OpenemsComponent
      the debug log output
    • handleEvent

      public void handleEvent(org.osgi.service.event.Event event)
      Specified by:
      handleEvent in interface org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler
    • getModbusSlaveTable

      public ModbusSlaveTable getModbusSlaveTable(AccessMode accessMode)
      Description copied from interface: ModbusSlave
      Gets the Modbus-Slave-Table for this OpenEMS-Component.
      Specified by:
      getModbusSlaveTable in interface ModbusSlave
      accessMode - filters the Modbus-Records that should be shown
      the Modbus-Slave-Table