Class AbstractSocomecMeter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModbusComponent, OpenemsComponent, ModbusSlave, ElectricityMeter, SocomecMeter
Direct Known Subclasses:
MeterSocomecSinglephaseImpl, MeterSocomecThreephaseImpl

public abstract class AbstractSocomecMeter extends AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent implements SocomecMeter, ElectricityMeter, OpenemsComponent, ModbusSlave
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSocomecMeter

      protected AbstractSocomecMeter(ChannelId[] firstInitialChannelIds, ChannelId[]... furtherInitialChannelIds)
  • Method Details

    • defineModbusProtocol

      protected final ModbusProtocol defineModbusProtocol()
      Description copied from class: AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent
      Defines the Modbus protocol.
      Specified by:
      defineModbusProtocol in class AbstractOpenemsModbusComponent
      the ModbusProtocol
    • identifiedCountisE23_E24_E27_E28

      protected abstract void identifiedCountisE23_E24_E27_E28() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Countis E23, E24, E27 and E28. All are identical.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifiedCountisE34_E44

      protected abstract void identifiedCountisE34_E44() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Countis E34, E44.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifiedDirisA10

      protected abstract void identifiedDirisA10() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Diris A10.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifiedDirisA14

      protected abstract void identifiedDirisA14() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Diris A14.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifiedDirisB30

      protected abstract void identifiedDirisB30() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Diris B30.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifiedCountisE14

      protected abstract void identifiedCountisE14() throws OpenemsException
      Applies the modbus protocol for Socomec Countis E14.
      OpenemsException - on error
    • identifySocomecMeter

      protected final void identifySocomecMeter()