Class AbstractDeviceMonitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChainMonitor, DeviceMonitor, NetworkDeviceMonitor

public abstract class AbstractDeviceMonitor extends Object implements Runnable

Abstract super-class for 1-Wire Monitors, a optionally-threadable object for searching 1-Wire networks. If this object is not run in it's own thread, it is possible to perform single-step searches by calling the NewLine method directly. @see #search(Vector, Vector). The monitor will generate events for device arrivals, device departures, and exceptions from the DSPortAdapter.

In a touch-contact environment, it is not suitable to say that a device has "departed" because it was missing for one cycle of searching. In the time it takes to get an iButton into a blue-dot receptor, the monitor could have generated a handful of arrival and departure events. To circumvent this problem, the device monitor keeps a "missing state count" for each device on the network. Each search cycle that passes where the device is missing causes it's "missing state count" to be incremented. Once the device's "missing state count" is equal to the "max state count", a departure event is generated for the device. @see #getMaxStateCount(). If the 1-Wire Network is not in a touch environment, it may be unnecessary to use this "missing state count". In those instances, setting the state count to 1 will disable the feature. @see #setMaxStateCount(int).

Similarly, the reporting of exceptions could be spurious in a touch-contact environment. Instead of reporting the exception on each failed search attempt, the monitor will default to retrying the search a handful of times before finally reporting the exception.

To receive events, an object must implement the DeviceMonitorEventListener interface. And the object must be added to the list of listeners. @see #addDeviceMonitorEventListener.

  • Field Details

    • sync_flag

      protected final Object sync_flag
      object used for synchronization
    • deviceAddressHash

      protected final Hashtable<Long,Integer> deviceAddressHash
      Addresses of all current devices, mapped to their state count
    • deviceContainerHash

      protected static final Hashtable<Long,OneWireContainer> deviceContainerHash
      hashtable for holding device containers, static to keep only a single instance of each OneWireContainer.
    • listeners

      protected final Vector<DeviceMonitorEventListener> listeners
      Listeners who receive notification of events generated by this device Monitor
    • max_state_count

      protected int max_state_count
      Number of searches that a button should be "missing" before it is removed
    • max_error_count

      protected int max_error_count
      Number of searches that an error occurs before a dialog is displayed
    • keepRunning

      protected volatile boolean keepRunning
      Flag for overall thread running state
    • hasCompletelyStopped

      protected volatile boolean hasCompletelyStopped
      Flag for overall thread running state
    • startRunning

      protected volatile boolean startRunning
      Flag to indicate thread has begin to run
    • isRunning

      protected volatile boolean isRunning
      Flag to indicate thread is running now
    • adapter

      protected DSPortAdapter adapter
      the adapter to search for devices
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDeviceMonitor

      public AbstractDeviceMonitor()
  • Method Details

    • cleanUpStaleContainerReferences

      public void cleanUpStaleContainerReferences()
      The device monitor will internally cache OneWireContainer objects for each 1-Wire device. Use this method to clean up all stale container objects. A stale container object is a OneWireContainer object which references a 1-Wire device address which has not been seen by a recent search. This will be essential in a touch-contact environment which could run for some time and needs to conserve memory.
    • cleanUpStalePathReferences

      public void cleanUpStalePathReferences()
      The device monitor will internally cache OWPath objects for each 1-Wire device. Use this method to clean up all stale OWPath objects. A stale path object is a OWPath which references a branching path to a 1-Wire device address which has not been seen by a recent search. This will be essential in a touch-contact environment which could run for some time and needs to conserve memory.
    • resetSearch

      public void resetSearch()
      Resets this device monitor. All known devices will be marked as "departed" and departure events will be fired.
    • getMaxStateCount

      public int getMaxStateCount()
      The number of searches that a button should be "missing" before it is removed.
      The number of searches that a button should be "missing" before it is removed.
    • setMaxStateCount

      public void setMaxStateCount(int stateCnt)
      The number of searches that a button should be "missing" before it is removed
      stateCnt - The number of searches that a button should be "missing" before it is removed.
    • getMaxErrorCount

      public int getMaxErrorCount()
      Number of searches that an error occurs before listener's are notified
      Number of searches that an error occurs before listener's are notified
    • setMaxErrorCount

      public void setMaxErrorCount(int errorCnt)
      Number of searches that an error occurs before listener's are notified
      errorCnt - Number of searches that an error occurs before listener's are notified
    • getAdapter

      public DSPortAdapter getAdapter()
      Returns the DSPortAdapter this device is searching
      the - DSPortAdapter this monitor is searching
    • setAdapter

      public abstract void setAdapter(DSPortAdapter adapter)
      Sets this monitor to search a new DSPortAdapter
      the - DSPortAdapter this monitor should search
    • search

      public abstract void search(Vector<Long> arrivals, Vector<Long> departures) throws OneWireException, OneWireIOException
      Performs a search of the 1-Wire network
      arrivals - A vector of Long objects, represent new arrival addresses.
      departures - A vector of Long objects, represent departed addresses.
    • pauseMonitor

      public boolean pauseMonitor(boolean blocking)
      Pause this monitor
      blocking - if true, this method will block until the monitor is paused.
    • resumeMonitor

      public boolean resumeMonitor(boolean blocking)
      Resume this monitor
      blocking - if true, this method will block until the monitor is resumed.
    • isMonitorRunning

      public boolean isMonitorRunning()
      Check if this monitor is running.
      true if monitor is running
    • killMonitor

      public void killMonitor()
      Kill this monitor. Wait util this thread is no longer alive (with timeout).
    • run

      public void run()
      Monitor run method that performs a periodic search of the entire 1-Wire network. Listeners that have registered are notified when changes in the network are detected.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • msSleep

      protected void msSleep(long msTime)
      Sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
      msTime - number of milliseconds to sleep
    • addDeviceMonitorEventListener

      public void addDeviceMonitorEventListener(DeviceMonitorEventListener dmel)
      Add a listener, to be notified of arrivals, departures, and exceptions.
      dmel - Listener of monitor events.
    • fireArrivalEvent

      protected void fireArrivalEvent(DSPortAdapter adapter, Vector<Long> address)
      Notify the listeners of the arrival event
      address - Vector of Long objects representing the address of new arrivals.
    • fireDepartureEvent

      protected void fireDepartureEvent(DSPortAdapter adapter, Vector<Long> address)
      Notify the listeners of the departure event
      address - Vector of Long objects representing the address of departed devices.
    • getDevicePath

      public OWPath getDevicePath(byte[] address)
      Returns the OWPath of the device with the given address.
      address - a byte array representing the address of the device
      The OWPath representing the network path to the device.
    • getDevicePath

      public OWPath getDevicePath(String address)
      Returns the OWPath of the device with the given address.
      address - a string representing the address of the device
      The OWPath representing the network path to the device.
    • getDevicePath

      public OWPath getDevicePath(long address)
      Returns the OWPath of the device with the given address.
      address - a long representing the address of the device
      The OWPath representing the network path to the device.
    • getDevicePath

      public abstract OWPath getDevicePath(Long address)
      Returns the OWPath of the device with the given address.
      address - a Long object representing the address of the device
      The OWPath representing the network path to the device.
    • getAllAddresses

      public Enumeration<Long> getAllAddresses()
      Returns all addresses known by this monitor as an Enumeration of Long objects.
      Enumeration of Long objects
    • getDeviceContainer

      public static OneWireContainer getDeviceContainer(DSPortAdapter adapter, byte[] address)
      Returns the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      adapter - The DSPortAdapter that the device is connected to.
      address - a byte array representing the address of the device
      The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • getDeviceContainer

      public static OneWireContainer getDeviceContainer(DSPortAdapter adapter, String address)
      Returns the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      adapter - The DSPortAdapter that the device is connected to.
      address - a String representing the address of the device
      The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • getDeviceContainer

      public static OneWireContainer getDeviceContainer(DSPortAdapter adapter, long address)
      Returns the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      adapter - The DSPortAdapter that the device is connected to.
      address - a long representing the address of the device
      The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • getDeviceContainer

      public static OneWireContainer getDeviceContainer(DSPortAdapter adapter, Long longAddress)
      Returns the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      adapter - The DSPortAdapter that the device is connected to.
      address - a Long object representing the address of the device
      The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • putDeviceContainer

      public static void putDeviceContainer(byte[] address, OneWireContainer owc)
      Sets the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      address - a byte array object representing the address of the device
      owc - The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • putDeviceContainer

      public static void putDeviceContainer(String address, OneWireContainer owc)
      Sets the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      address - a String object representing the address of the device
      owc - The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • putDeviceContainer

      public static void putDeviceContainer(long address, OneWireContainer owc)
      Sets the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      address - a long object representing the address of the device
      owc - The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
    • putDeviceContainer

      public static void putDeviceContainer(Long longAddress, OneWireContainer owc)
      Sets the OneWireContainer object of the device with the given address.
      owc - The specific OneWireContainer object of the device
      address - a Long object representing the address of the device