Class OneWireContainer1F

All Implemented Interfaces:
OneWireSensor, SwitchContainer

public class OneWireContainer1F extends OneWireContainer implements SwitchContainer

1-Wire® container for 1-Wire(MicroLAN) Coupler, DS2409. This container encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 1F (hex).


  • Low impedance coupler to create large common-ground, multi-level MicroLAN networks
  • Keeps inactive branches pulled high to 5V
  • Simplifies network topology analysis by logically decoupling devices on active network segments
  • Conditional search for fast event signaling
  • Auxiliary 1-Wire TM line to connect a memory chip or to be used as digital input
  • Programmable, general purpose open drain control output
  • Operating temperature range from -40@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly to +85@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly
  • Compact, low cost 6-pin TSOC surface mount package

Setting the latch on the DS2409 to 'on' (see seLatchState) connects the channel [Main(0) or Auxiliary(1)] to the 1-Wire data line. Note that this is the opposite of the DS2406 and DS2405 which connect their I/O lines to ground.


See the usage example in SwitchContainer for basic switch operations.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      protected static final int BITMAP_OFFSET
      Offset of BITMAP in array returned from read state.
      See Also:

      protected static final int STATUS_OFFSET
      Offset of Status in array returned from read state.
      See Also:

      protected static final int MAIN_OFFSET
      Offset of Main channel flag in array returned from read state.
      See Also:

      protected static final int AUX_OFFSET
      Offset of Main channel flag in array returned from read state.
      See Also:

      protected static final int SWITCH_OFF
      Channel flag to indicate turn off.
      See Also:

      protected static final int SWITCH_ON
      Channel flag to indicate turn on.
      See Also:

      protected static final int SWITCH_SMART
      Channel flag to indicate smart on.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte READ_WRITE_STATUS_COMMAND
      Read Write Status register command.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte ALL_LINES_OFF_COMMAND
      All lines off command.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte DISCHARGE_COMMAND
      Discharge command.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte DIRECT_ON_MAIN_COMMAND
      Direct on main command.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte SMART_ON_MAIN_COMMAND
      Smart on main command.
      See Also:

      protected static final byte SMART_ON_AUX_COMMAND
      Smart on aux command.
      See Also:

      public static final int CHANNEL_MAIN
      Main Channel number.
      See Also:

      public static final int CHANNEL_AUX
      Aux Channel number.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OneWireContainer1F

      public OneWireContainer1F()
      Create an empty container that is not complete until after a call to setupContainer.

      This is one of the methods to construct a container. The others are through creating a OneWireContainer with parameters.

      See Also:
    • OneWireContainer1F

      public OneWireContainer1F(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, byte[] newAddress)
      Create a container with the provided adapter instance and the address of the iButton or 1-Wire device.

      This is one of the methods to construct a container. The other is through creating a OneWireContainer with NO parameters.

      sourceAdapter - adapter instance used to communicate with this iButton
      newAddress - Address of this 1-Wire device
      See Also:
    • OneWireContainer1F

      public OneWireContainer1F(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, long newAddress)
      Create a container with the provided adapter instance and the address of the iButton or 1-Wire device.

      This is one of the methods to construct a container. The other is through creating a OneWireContainer with NO parameters.

      sourceAdapter - adapter instance used to communicate with this 1-Wire device
      newAddress - Address of this 1-Wire device
      See Also:
    • OneWireContainer1F

      public OneWireContainer1F(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, String newAddress)
      Create a container with the provided adapter instance and the address of the iButton or 1-Wire device.

      This is one of the methods to construct a container. The other is through creating a OneWireContainer with NO parameters.

      sourceAdapter - adapter instance used to communicate with this 1-Wire device
      newAddress - Address of this 1-Wire device
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the Maxim Integrated Products part number of the iButton or 1-Wire Device as a string. For example 'DS1992'.
      getName in class OneWireContainer
      iButton or 1-Wire device name
    • getAlternateNames

      public String getAlternateNames()
      Gets the alternate Maxim Integrated Products part numbers or names. A 'family' of 1-Wire Network devices may have more than one part number depending on packaging. There can also be nicknames such as 'Crypto iButton'.
      getAlternateNames in class OneWireContainer
      1-Wire device alternate names
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets a short description of the function of this iButton or 1-Wire Device type.
      getDescription in class OneWireContainer
      device description
    • setSpeedCheck

      public void setSpeedCheck(boolean doSpeedCheck)
      Directs the container to avoid the calls to doSpeed() in methods that communicate with the Thermocron. To ensure that all parts can talk to the 1-Wire bus at their desired speed, each method contains a call to doSpeed(). However, this is an expensive operation. If a user manages the bus speed in an application, call this method with doSpeedCheck as false. The default behavior is to call doSpeed().
      doSpeedCheck - true for doSpeed() to be called before every 1-Wire bus access, false to skip this expensive call
      See Also:
    • readDevice

      public byte[] readDevice() throws OneWireIOException, OneWireException
      Retrieves the 1-Wire device sensor state. This state is returned as a byte array. Pass this byte array to the 'get' and 'set' methods. If the device state needs to be changed then call the 'writeDevice' to finalize the changes.
      Specified by:
      readDevice in interface OneWireSensor
      1-Wire device sensor state
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • writeDevice

      public void writeDevice(byte[] state) throws OneWireIOException, OneWireException
      Writes the 1-Wire device sensor state that have been changed by 'set' methods. Only the state registers that changed are updated. This is done by referencing a field information appended to the state data.
      Specified by:
      writeDevice in interface OneWireSensor
      state - 1-Wire device sensor state
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • dischargeLines

      public void dischargeLines(int time) throws OneWireIOException, OneWireException

      Force a power-on reset for parasitically powered 1-Wire devices connected to the main or auziliary output of the DS2409.

      IMPORTANT: the duration of the discharge time should be 100ms minimum.

      time - number of milliseconds the lines are to be discharged for (minimum 100)
      OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
      OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
    • isHighSideSwitch

      public boolean isHighSideSwitch()
      Checks to see if the channels of this switch are 'high side' switches. This indicates that when 'on' or true, the switch output is connect to the 1-Wire data. If this method returns false then when the switch is 'on' or true, the switch is connected to ground.
      Specified by:
      isHighSideSwitch in interface SwitchContainer
      true if the switch is a 'high side' switch, false if the switch is a 'low side' switch
      See Also:
    • hasActivitySensing

      public boolean hasActivitySensing()
      Checks to see if the channels of this switch support activity sensing. If this method returns true then the method getSensedActivity(int,byte[]) can be used.
      Specified by:
      hasActivitySensing in interface SwitchContainer
      true if channels support activity sensing
      See Also:
    • hasLevelSensing

      public boolean hasLevelSensing()
      Checks to see if the channels of this switch support level sensing. If this method returns true then the method getLevel(int,byte[]) can be used.
      Specified by:
      hasLevelSensing in interface SwitchContainer
      true if channels support level sensing
      See Also:
    • hasSmartOn

      public boolean hasSmartOn()
      Checks to see if the channels of this switch support 'smart on'. Smart on is the ability to turn on a channel such that only 1-Wire device on this channel are awake and ready to do an operation. This greatly reduces the time to discover the device down a branch. If this method returns true then the method setLatchState(int,boolean,boolean,byte[]) can be used with the doSmart parameter true.
      Specified by:
      hasSmartOn in interface SwitchContainer
      true if channels support 'smart on'
      See Also:
    • onlySingleChannelOn

      public boolean onlySingleChannelOn()
      Checks to see if the channels of this switch require that only one channel is on at any one time. If this method returns true then the method setLatchState(int,boolean,boolean,byte[]) will not only affect the state of the given channel but may affect the state of the other channels as well to insure that only one channel is on at a time.
      Specified by:
      onlySingleChannelOn in interface SwitchContainer
      true if only one channel can be on at a time.
      See Also:
    • getNumberChannels

      public int getNumberChannels(byte[] state)
      Query to get the number of channels supported by this switch. Channel specific methods will use a channel number specified by an integer from [0 to (getNumberChannels(byte[]) - 1)]. Note that all devices of the same family will not necessarily have the same number of channels. The DS2406 comes in two packages--one that has a single channel, and one that has two channels.
      Specified by:
      getNumberChannels in interface SwitchContainer
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      the number of channels for this device
    • getLevel

      public boolean getLevel(int channel, byte[] state) throws OneWireException
      Checks the sensed level on the indicated channel. To avoid an exception, verify that this switch has level sensing with the hasLevelSensing(). Level sensing means that the device can sense the logic level on its PIO pin.
      Specified by:
      getLevel in interface SwitchContainer
      channel - channel to execute this operation, in the range [0 to (getNumberChannels(byte[]) - 1)]
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      true if level sensed is 'high' and false if level sensed is 'low'
      See Also:
    • getLatchState

      public boolean getLatchState(int channel, byte[] state)
      Checks the latch state of the indicated channel.
      Specified by:
      getLatchState in interface SwitchContainer
      channel - channel to execute this operation, in the range [0 to (getNumberChannels(byte[]) - 1)]
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      true if channel latch is 'on' or conducting and false if channel latch is 'off' and not conducting. Note that the actual output when the latch is 'on' is returned from the isHighSideSwitch() method.
      See Also:
    • getSensedActivity

      public boolean getSensedActivity(int channel, byte[] state) throws OneWireException
      Checks if the indicated channel has experienced activity. This occurs when the level on the PIO pins changes. To clear the activity that is reported, call clearActivity(). To avoid an exception, verify that this device supports activity sensing by calling the method hasActivitySensing().
      Specified by:
      getSensedActivity in interface SwitchContainer
      channel - channel to execute this operation, in the range [0 to (getNumberChannels(byte[]) - 1)]
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      true if activity was detected and false if no activity was detected
      OneWireException - if this device does not have activity sensing
      See Also:
    • isModeAuto

      public boolean isModeAuto(byte[] state)
      Checks if the control I/O pin mode is automatic (see DS2409 data sheet).
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      true if control mode is automatic
    • getControlChannelAssociation

      public int getControlChannelAssociation(byte[] state)
      Checks the channel association of the control pin. This value only makes sense if the control mode is automatic (see isModeAuto).
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      int the channel number that is associated with the control pin
    • getControlData

      public int getControlData(byte[] state)
      Checks the control data value. This value only makes sense if the control mode is manual (see isModeAuto). 0 = output transistor off, 1 = output transistor on
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      int the control output transistor state
    • getLastSmartOnDeviceDetect

      public boolean getLastSmartOnDeviceDetect()
      Gets flag that indicates if a device was present when doing the last smart on. Note that this flag is only valid if the DS2409 flag was cleared with an ALL_LINES_OFF command and the last writeDevice performed a 'smart-on' on one of the channels.
      true if device detected on branch
    • setLatchState

      public void setLatchState(int channel, boolean latchState, boolean doSmart, byte[] state)
      Sets the latch state of the indicated channel. The method writeDevice(byte[]) must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(byte[]).
      Specified by:
      setLatchState in interface SwitchContainer
      channel - channel to execute this operation, in the range [0 to (getNumberChannels(byte[]) - 1)]
      latchState - true to set the channel latch 'on' (conducting) and false to set the channel latch 'off' (not conducting). Note that the actual output when the latch is 'on' is returned from the isHighSideSwitch() method.
      doSmart - If latchState is 'on'/true then doSmart indicates if a 'smart on' is to be done. To avoid an exception check the capabilities of this device using the hasSmartOn() method.
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      See Also:
    • clearActivity

      public void clearActivity() throws OneWireException
      Clears the activity latches the next time possible. For example, on a DS2406/07, this happens the next time the status is read with readDevice().
      Specified by:
      clearActivity in interface SwitchContainer
      OneWireException - if this device does not support activity sensing
      See Also:
    • setModeAuto

      public void setModeAuto(boolean makeAuto, byte[] state)
      Sets the control pin mode. The method writeDevice(byte[]) must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(byte[]).
      makeAuto - true to set to auto mode, false for manual mode
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
    • setControlChannelAssociation

      public void setControlChannelAssociation(int channel, byte[] state) throws OneWireException
      Sets the control pin channel association. This only makes sense if the control pin is in automatic mode. The method writeDevice(byte[]) must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(byte[]).
      channel - channel to associate with control pin
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      OneWireException - when trying to set channel association in manual mode
    • setControlData

      public void setControlData(boolean data, byte[] state) throws OneWireException
      Sets the control pin data to a value. Note this method only works if the control pin is in manual mode. The method writeDevice(byte[]) must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(byte[]).
      data - true for on and false for off
      state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
      OneWireException - when trying to set control data in automatic mode