Enum Class Sum.ChannelId

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelId, Serializable, Comparable<Sum.ChannelId>, Constable
Enclosing interface:

public static enum Sum.ChannelId extends Enum<Sum.ChannelId> implements ChannelId
  • Enum Constant Details

    • ESS_SOC

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_SOC
      Ess: Average State of Charge.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: Ess)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: %
      • Range: 0..100

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_POWER
      Ess: Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Charge; positive for Discharge

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_REACTIVE_POWER
      Reactive Power.
      • Interface: Ess Symmetric
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: var

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_POWER_L1
      Ess: Active Power L1.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss / AsymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Charge; positive for Discharge

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_POWER_L2
      Ess: Active Power L2.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss / AsymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Charge; positive for Discharge

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_POWER_L3
      Ess: Active Power L3.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss / AsymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Charge; positive for Discharge

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_DISCHARGE_POWER
      Ess: Discharge Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Charge; positive for Discharge
      • For AC coupled energy storage systems this is the same as ESS_ACTIVE_POWER; for DC coupled or hybrid ESS this is the ESS_ACTIVE_POWER minus PRODUCTION_DC_ACTUAL_POWER, i.e. the power that is actually charged to or discharged from the battery.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_MIN_DISCHARGE_POWER
      Ess: Minimum Ever Discharge Power (i.e. Maximum Ever Charge power as negative value).
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_MAX_DISCHARGE_POWER
      Ess: Maximum Ever Discharge Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: positive values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_CAPACITY
      Ess: Capacity.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: Ess)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: Wh
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_ACTIVE_POWER
      Grid: Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Consumption (power that is 'leaving the system', e.g. feed-to-grid); positive for Production (power that is 'entering the system')

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_ACTIVE_POWER_L1
      Grid: Active Power L1.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Consumption (power that is 'leaving the system', e.g. feed-to-grid); positive for Production (power that is 'entering the system')

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_ACTIVE_POWER_L2
      Grid: Active Power L2.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Consumption (power that is 'leaving the system', e.g. feed-to-grid); positive for Production (power that is 'entering the system')

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_ACTIVE_POWER_L3
      Grid: Active Power L3.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values for Consumption (power that is 'leaving the system', e.g. feed-to-grid); positive for Production (power that is 'entering the system')

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_MIN_ACTIVE_POWER
      Grid: Minimum Ever Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: negative values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_MAX_ACTIVE_POWER
      Grid: Maximum Ever Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: positive values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_BUY_PRICE
      Grid: Price for Buy-from-Grid.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_ACTIVE_POWER
      Production: Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter and ESS DC Charger)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_AC_ACTIVE_POWER
      Production: AC Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_AC_ACTIVE_POWER_L1
      Production: AC Active Power L1.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_AC_ACTIVE_POWER_L2
      Production: AC Active Power L2.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_AC_ACTIVE_POWER_L3
      Production: AC Active Power L3.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_DC_ACTUAL_POWER
      Production: DC Actual Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: EssDcCharger)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_MAX_ACTIVE_POWER
      Production: Maximum Ever Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: positive values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER
      Consumption: Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive
      • Note: the value is calculated using the data from Grid-Meter, Production-Meter and charge/discharge of battery.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER_L1
      Consumption: Active Power L1.
      • Interface: Sum
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive
      • Note: the value is calculated using the data from Grid-Meter, Production-Meter and charge/discharge of battery.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER_L2
      Consumption: Active Power L2.
      • Interface: Sum
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive
      • Note: the value is calculated using the data from Grid-Meter, Production-Meter and charge/discharge of battery.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER_L3
      Consumption: Active Power L3.
      • Interface: Sum
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive
      • Note: the value is calculated using the data from Grid-Meter, Production-Meter and charge/discharge of battery.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_MAX_ACTIVE_POWER
      Consumption: Maximum Ever Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: positive values or '0'

      public static final Sum.ChannelId UNMANAGED_CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER
      Unmanaged Consumption: Active Power.
      • Interface: Sum
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: W
      • Range: should be only positive
      • Note: this value represents the part of the Consumption that is not actively managed by OpenEMS, i.e. it is calculated as (CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_POWER) minus charge power for an electric vehicle charging station, etc. This value is used for forecasting of consumption.

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_MODE
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss))
      • Type: Integer
      • Values: '-1' = UNDEFINED, '1' = On-Grid, '2' = Off-Grid

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_MAX_APPARENT_POWER
      Ess: Max Apparent Power.
      • Interface: Max Apparent Power (origin: SymmetricEss))
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: VA

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_CHARGE_ENERGY
      Ess: Active Charge Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_ACTIVE_DISCHARGE_ENERGY
      Ess: Active Discharge Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: SymmetricEss)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_DC_DISCHARGE_ENERGY
      Ess: DC Discharge Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: HybridEss)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId ESS_DC_CHARGE_ENERGY
      Ess: DC Charge Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: HybridEss)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_BUY_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Grid: Buy-from-grid Energy ("Production").
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Integer
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId GRID_SELL_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Grid: Sell-to-grid Energy ("Consumption").
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Production: Energy.
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_AC_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Production: AC Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId PRODUCTION_DC_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Production: DC Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: EssDcCharger)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId CONSUMPTION_ACTIVE_ENERGY
      Consumption: Energy.
      • Interface: Sum (origin: ElectricityMeter)
      • Type: Long
      • Unit: Wh_Σ

      public static final Sum.ChannelId HAS_IGNORED_COMPONENT_STATES
      Is there any Component Info/Warning/Fault that is getting ignored/hidden because of the 'ignoreStateComponents' configuration setting?.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Sum.ChannelId[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Sum.ChannelId valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • doc

      public Doc doc()
      Description copied from interface: ChannelId
      Gets the Channel Doc for this ChannelId.
      Specified by:
      doc in interface ChannelId
      the Channel-Doc