Interface State<STATE extends State<STATE>>

Type Parameters:
STATE - the actual State type
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractForceChargeDischarge.State, StateMachine.OffGridState, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State, StateMachine.State

public interface State<STATE extends State<STATE>> extends OptionsEnum
Defines a State of a AbstractStateMachine. This interface is typically implemented by an enum.
  • Method Details

    • getStates

      STATE[] getStates()
      Gets all the available States.

      If used inside a 'State' enum, just implement this method using

       public State[] getStates() {
              return State.values();
      an array of States, as provided by an enum.