
Live and historical data of an OpenEMS Edge are handled by a Timedata service. It describes basically methods to write and read Edge data to/from a database. There are different kind of timedata providers within OpenEMS (see Service for concrete implementations).

Within OpenEMS Backend the only component which uses the different timedata services directly is the TimedataManager. It passes Edge relevant data to all Timedata service and it reads the data from the first Timedata providers which can deliver it.

Following paragraphs describe the new data handlng since OpenEMS version 2023.8.

OpenEMS Edges will send different types of data to the OpenEMS Backend:

  • TimestampedDataNotification

    • channel values which have changed

    • every 5 minutes a full snapshot of all channel values is sent, including channels which haven’t changed over this time period

  • AggregatedDataNotification

    • data is sent in a format that is optimized for fast querying from the database, to allow very fast responses in OpenEMS UI

    • aggregated (average or maximum) channel values are sent every 5 minutes

    • Backend services handle values differently according to their aggregation type, e.g. 5-minute-average is always stored; maximum is only stored if feasible for fast energy queries (e.g. at the end of a day, depending on a time-zone)

  • ResendDataNotification

    • historic data that is resent after connection problems between Edge and Backend

    • this data is always aggregated in the form of the Edge.Timedata service (e.g. RRD4j)

Splitting the data enables OpenEMS to implement different timedata providers, which handle data differently. This gives more flexibility when scaling OpenEMS. Also due to performance reasons the computation of AggregatedDataNotification is done on the Edge side. This helps keeping CPU load on the database server low.

To get a better understanding of the new Edge data concept, have a look at the Aggregated Influx bundle.