
A OpenEMS Edge Scheduler plans the execution of Controllers. It defines…​

  • which Controllers are executed

  • in which priority the Controllers are executed

1. All-Alphabetically

Takes an ordered list of Component IDs. All remaining Controllers are afterwards ordered alphabetically by their ID.

2. Daily

This scheduler can execute different Controllers at different times of the day according to the "Daily Schedule" configuration. Controllers that need to run regardless of the time of the day like 'ctrlBackend0' and 'ctrlDebugLog0' etc., can be specified in the configuration using "Always Run Before" and "Always Run After'.

2.1. Configuration

  • Component-ID Unique ID of this Component (id), e.g. "scheduler0".

  • Alias Human-readable name of this Component; defaults to Component-ID (alias)

  • Always Run Before IDs of Controllers that should be executed before other Controllers in the order of the IDs.

  • Daily Schedule Execution order of Controllers per time of day. [{ "time": "08:00:00", "controllers": [ "ctrlFixActivePower0" ] }, { "time": "13:45:00" "controllers": [""]" }]

  • Always Run After IDs of Controllers that should be executed after other Controllers in the order of the IDs.

3. Fixed Order

Takes a list of Component IDs and returns the Controllers statically sorted by this order.