Physical hardware is abstracted in OpenEMS Edge using Natures. A Nature defines a set of characteristics and attributes which need to be provided by each OpenEMS component that implements it. These characteristics are defined by Channels. For example an implementation of an Ess
(Energy Storage System), needs to provide an Soc
-Channel (State of charge of the battery).
Technically Natures are implemented as OSGi API Bundles.
5. ESS (Energy Storage System)
An Energy Storage System is an integrated system with battery and battery inverter.
- Ess
A generic Energy Storage System
- SymmetricEssReadonly
A symmetric Energy Storage System in readonly-mode.
A symmetric, controllable Energy Storage System.
- EssDcCharger
A solar charger that is connected to DC side of an energy storage system.
6. EVCS (Electric Vehicle Charging Station)
- Evcs
A charging station for electric vehicles like e-cars and e-buses.
8. I/O (Digital Input/Output)
- DigitalOutput
One or more digital outputs or relays.
9. Meter
- ElectricityMeter
An electricity meter.