Deploy OpenEMS Backend
1. Debian Linux
This chapter explains how OpenEMS Backend can be deployed on a Debian Linux server. Similar techniques will work for other operating systems as well.
1.1. Prepare operating system environment
It is recommended to run every service on a server with limited permissions. This example runs OpenEMS Backend with user "root" which is a bad idea for a production server! |
1.1.1. Check JAVA version
Ensure that a JRE version 21 or later is installed. We recommend using temurin-21-jre
For detailed installation instructions, visit Adoptium Installation Guide.
If you are using an ARM32 device, download temurin-21-jre-armhf_21.0.6+2.deb directly from OpenEMS. |
1.1.2. Create an application directory
Create the directory /opt/openems-backend. This is going to be the place, where we put the JAR file.
Execute mkdir /opt/openems-backend
1.1.3. Create a config directory
Create the directory /opt/openems-backend/config.d. This is going to be the place, where all the bundle configurations are held.
Execute mkdir /opt/openems-backend/config.d
1.1.4. Create a systemd service definition
The systemd 'Service Manager' manages system processes in a Debian Linux. We will create a systemd service definition file, so that systemd takes care of managing (starting/restarting/…) the OpenEMS Backend service.
Create and open the service definition file.
nano /etc/systemd/system/openems-backend.service
Paste the following content:
[Unit] Description=OpenEMS (1) (2) [Service] User=root (3) Group=root Type=simple (4) WorkingDirectory=/opt/openems-backend ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=100 -jar /opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar (5) SuccessExitStatus=143 (6) Restart=always (7) RestartSec=10 (8) [Install]
1 The name of the service. 2 The service is allowed to start after network is available (e.g. to be able to access devices via ethernet connection) 3 It is run as user 'root' to have access to all devices. It is recommended to change this for productive systems. 4 OpenEMS Backend uses a "simple" process fork. 5 The start command. It uses the Java JRE, sets the config directory to /opt/openems-backend/config.d
, sets a parallelism value for ForkJoinPool - this depends on the number of OpenEMS Edge devices you expect to connect - and runs the jar file at/opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar
6 In contrast to what systemd expects, Java exits with status 143 on success. 7 Systemd always tries to restart OpenEMS Backend once it was quit. 8 Systemd waits 10 seconds till the next restart. -
Press Ctrl + x to exit and y to save the file.
Activate the service definition:
systemctl daemon-reload
1.2. Start OpenEMS Backend
To update the OpenEMS JAR file at the target device, it is required to copy the JAR file from your build directory to /opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar
on the server. Afterwards it is required to restart the systemd service
(Re)start OpenEMS systemd service.
systemctl restart openems-backend --no-block; journalctl -lfu openems-backend
The command restarts the service (systemctl restart openems-backend) while not waiting for the OpenEMS startup notification (--no-block). Then it directly prints the OpenEMS system log (journalctl -lfu openems-backend).
2. Docker
This chapter explains how OpenEMS Backend can be deployed using our official Docker image.
2.1. Prepare system
2.1.3. Setup docker
To setup docker follow the instuctions from
2.2. Create a Docker compose
Paste content into a docker-compose.yml
services: openems_backend: image: openems/backend:latest container_name: openems_backend hostname: openems_backend restart: unless-stopped volumes: - openems-backend-conf:/var/opt/openems/config:rw - openems-backend-data:/var/opt/openems/data:rw ports: - 8079:8079 # Apache-Felix - 8081:8081 # Edge-Websocket - 8082:8082 # UI-Websocket openems-ui: image: openems/ui-backend:latest container_name: openems_ui hostname: openems_ui restart: unless-stopped volumes: - openems-ui-conf:/etc/nginx:rw - openems-ui-log:/var/log/nginx:rw environment: - UI_WEBSOCKET=ws://<hostname>:8082 # Change to your actual hostname or ip ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: openems-backend-conf: openems-backend-data: openems-ui-conf: openems-ui-log:
2.3. Run compose file
To start the previously created docker-compose.yml
run the command:
docker compose up -d
2.4. Check logs
To check if the container is up and running, check docker ps

or read its logs with:
docker logs openems_backend
If you want to run the backand with an InfluxDB instance as well, see: |