Deploy OpenEMS Backend

1. Debian Linux

This chapter explains how OpenEMS Backend can be deployed on a Debian Linux server. Similar techniques will work for other operating systems as well.

1.1. Prepare operating system environment

It is recommended to run every service on a server with limited permissions. This example runs OpenEMS Backend with user "root" which is a bad idea for a production server!

1.1.1. Check JAVA version

Ensure that a JRE version 21 or later is installed. We recommend using temurin-21-jre

For detailed installation instructions, visit Adoptium Installation Guide.

If you are using an ARM32 device, download temurin-21-jre-armhf_21.0.6+2.deb directly from OpenEMS.

1.1.2. Create an application directory

Create the directory /opt/openems-backend. This is going to be the place, where we put the JAR file.

Execute mkdir /opt/openems-backend.

1.1.3. Create a config directory

Create the directory /opt/openems-backend/config.d. This is going to be the place, where all the bundle configurations are held.

Execute mkdir /opt/openems-backend/config.d.

1.1.4. Create a systemd service definition

The systemd 'Service Manager' manages system processes in a Debian Linux. We will create a systemd service definition file, so that systemd takes care of managing (starting/restarting/…​) the OpenEMS Backend service.

  1. Create and open the service definition file.

    Execute nano /etc/systemd/system/openems-backend.service

  2. Paste the following content:

    Description=OpenEMS (1) (2)
    User=root (3)
    Type=simple (4)
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=100 -jar /opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar (5)
    SuccessExitStatus=143 (6)
    Restart=always (7)
    RestartSec=10 (8)
    1 The name of the service.
    2 The service is allowed to start after network is available (e.g. to be able to access devices via ethernet connection)
    3 It is run as user 'root' to have access to all devices. It is recommended to change this for productive systems.
    4 OpenEMS Backend uses a "simple" process fork.
    5 The start command. It uses the Java JRE, sets the config directory to /opt/openems-backend/config.d, sets a parallelism value for ForkJoinPool - this depends on the number of OpenEMS Edge devices you expect to connect - and runs the jar file at /opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar
    6 In contrast to what systemd expects, Java exits with status 143 on success.
    7 Systemd always tries to restart OpenEMS Backend once it was quit.
    8 Systemd waits 10 seconds till the next restart.
  3. Press Ctrl + x to exit and y to save the file.

  4. Activate the service definition:

    Execute systemctl daemon-reload

1.2. Start OpenEMS Backend

To update the OpenEMS JAR file at the target device, it is required to copy the JAR file from your build directory to /opt/openems-backend/openems-backend.jar on the server. Afterwards it is required to restart the systemd service

  1. (Re)start OpenEMS systemd service.

    Execute systemctl restart openems-backend --no-block; journalctl -lfu openems-backend

    The command restarts the service (systemctl restart openems-backend) while not waiting for the OpenEMS startup notification (--no-block). Then it directly prints the OpenEMS system log (journalctl -lfu openems-backend).

2. Docker

This chapter explains how OpenEMS Backend can be deployed using our official Docker image.

2.1. Prepare system

2.1.1. Connect to the server

SSH into device

2.1.2. Check docker installation

Check docker installation

if not already installed, follow Setup docker

2.1.3. Setup docker

To setup docker follow the instuctions from

2.2. Create a Docker compose

Paste content into a docker-compose.yml

    image: openems/backend:latest
    container_name: openems_backend
    hostname: openems_backend
    restart: unless-stopped
      - openems-backend-conf:/var/opt/openems/config:rw
      - openems-backend-data:/var/opt/openems/data:rw
      - 8079:8079 # Apache-Felix
      - 8081:8081 # Edge-Websocket
      - 8082:8082 # UI-Websocket

    image: openems/ui-backend:latest
    container_name: openems_ui
    hostname: openems_ui
    restart: unless-stopped
      - openems-ui-conf:/etc/nginx:rw
      - openems-ui-log:/var/log/nginx:rw
      - UI_WEBSOCKET=ws://<hostname>:8082 # Change to your actual hostname or ip
      - 80:80
      - 443:443


2.3. Run compose file

To start the previously created docker-compose.yml run the command:

docker compose up -d

2.4. Check logs

To check if the container is up and running, check docker ps:

docker ps

or read its logs with:

docker logs openems_backend
If you want to run the backand with an InfluxDB instance as well, see: