All Classes and Interfaces

Helper class to handle calculation of Allowed-Charge-Power and Allowed-Discharge-Power.
Helper wrapping class to manage everything related to Channel Listeners; It takes care of registering and unregistering listeners.
Helper wrapping class to handle everything related to Channels; in particular calculating the Ess-Channels based on the Channels of the Battery and Battery-Inverter.
Helper class for implementing a @Config-annotation within a Component-Test.
Provides a test framework for OpenEMS Components.
Defines a Test-Case consisting of given inputs and expected outputs.
Defines a generic Worker Thread.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for timestamped or aggregated data sent from Edge to Backend.
Abstract super-class for 1-Wire Monitors, a optionally-threadable object for searching 1-Wire networks.
Provides static meta information for a Channel using Builder pattern.
A DoubleWordElement has a size of two Modbus Registers or 32 bit.
Parent class for different implementations of Managed Energy Storage Systems, consisting of a Battery-Inverter component and a Battery component.
Defines a generic Worker Thread.
This represents a JsonrpcRequest.
Abstract Managed EVCS Component.
Abstract Managed Ocpp EVCS Component.
Abstract service for connecting to, querying and writing to a Modbus device.
A ModbusElement represents one row of a Modbus definition table.
A WordElement has a size of one Modbus Registers or 16 bit.
This is the default implementation of the OpenemsComponent interface.
This class provides a generic implementation of SunSpec ModBus protocols.
A QuadrupleWordElement has a size of four Modbus Registers or 64 bit.
An abstract Modbus 'AbstractTask' is holding references to one or more Modbus ModbusElements which have register addresses in the same range.
A WordElement has a size of one Modbus Registers or 16 bit.
Manages the States of the StateMachine.
An abstract Modbus 'AbstractTask' is holding references to one or more Modbus ModbusElements which have register addresses in the same range.
Represents a User; shared by OpenEMS Backend ('io.openems.backend.common.metadata.User') and Edge ('io.openems.edge.common.user.User').
A Websocket Client implementation that automatically tries to reconnect a closed connection.
Defines a generic Worker Thread.
Basis class for all history data types
Interface class for 1-Wire® devices that perform analog measuring operations.
Adds an OpenemsAppInstance.
Adds a Edge to a User.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for AddEdgeToUserRequest.
Utilities to translate and verify the 1-Wire Network address.
This is the base class for representation of embedded data.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for aggregatedData data sent from Edge to Backend.
Describes a Alpitronic evcs app.
Gets the information about the AnalogOutput range, to handle its output values.
Takes care of continuously writing channels till a timeout.
A temporary builder class for an AppAssistant.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to add a deinstall app history entry.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to add a install app history entry.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to register a key for an app and edge.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to unregister a registered key.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to get the installed apps that are defined in the backend metadata on the edge that send the request.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for getting all installed apps that are defined in the backend metadata.
Represents a OpenemsAppInstance from a AppCenterGetInstalledAppsResponse.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to get all possible apps to install with a key.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for getting all possible apps to a key.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to get all registered keys.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for getting all registed keys.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to get all registered keys.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to get if a app is free and can be installed with a AppCenterInstallAppWithSuppliedKeyRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response to validate if a app is free.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to determine if a key can be applied.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response to validate if a key can be used.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request from an app center request.
AppDef short for definition of a property for an app.
Functional interface with field values and a extra parameter.
Functional interface with field values and a extra parameter and and return value.
Functional interface function with field values.
A Service that manages OpenEMS Apps.
This Worker constantly validates:.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request from an authenticated User.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'authenticatedRpc'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for AuthenticateWithPasswordRequest or AuthenticateWithTokenRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to authenticate with a Password.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to authenticate with a Token.
Shows the status of the Hypercharger.
Describes a App for AwattarHourly.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for a Base64-encoded payload.
Represents a Battery.
Battery measurements
Wraps a Constraint for a ManagedSymmetricBatteryInverter.
This utility class provides algorithms to calculate maximum allowed charge and discharge currents for batteries.
Soltaro Battery-Protection for modules with 3 kWh.
Soltaro Battery-Protection for modules with 3.5 kWh.

Utilities for bit operations on an array.
A BitsWordElement is an UnsignedWordElement where every bit represents a Boolean value.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface Consumer.
HttpBridge to handle requests to a BridgeHttp.Endpoint.
BridgeHttpCycle to handle request to a endpoint based on the cycle.
Bridge factory to get an instance of an BridgeHttp.
BridgeHttpTime to handle request to a endpoint based on a time delay.
Provides a service for connecting to, querying and writing to a Modbus/RTU device.
Provides a service for connecting to, querying and writing to a Modbus/TCP device.
Helper class to calculate the average of Channel-Values.
Calculates the value for energy channels in [Wh_Σ] from Power values in [W].
Helper class to find the Status of multiple EVCS.
Helper class to find the effective Grid-Mode of multiple Ess.
Helper class to sum up Integer-Channels.
Helper class to sum up Long-Channels.
Helper class to calculate the overall State-of-Charge.
Describes a app for a Carlo Gavazzi meter.
This enum describes the overall total state of a gridcon.
Class ChainMonitor represents the monitor that searches the 1-Wire net for Chain Mode devices, otherwise known as "Sequence Detect".
An OpenEMS Channel holds one specific piece of information of an OpenemsComponent.
Exports Channels with current value and metadata to an Excel (xlsx) file.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'channelExportXlsxRequest'.
A ChannelId defines a Channel.
The preferred way to define ChannelIds in OpenEMS Edge is via an enum that inherits ChannelId:
Describes a Channel that has a read- or read-and-write-mapping to one Modbus Register.
Describes a Channel that has a read-mapping to a Modbus Coil.
Describes a Channel that has a read-and-write-mapping to two Modbus Bits.
Describes a Channel that has a read-and-write-mapping to two Modbus Registers.
Provides Functions to convert from Element to Channel and back.
Set the ChargeState from increasing and reducing to charging after minimum time until the charge limit is taken.
Charging Property.
A Builder for a Formly Checkbox.
Client implementation.
Client factory.
Interface class for 1-Wire® devices that contain Real-Time clocks.
ClockProvider provides a Clock - real or mocked like TimeLeapClock.
A CoilElement has a size of one Modbus Coil or 1 bit.
Describes a App for a Heating Element.
A CommandAPDU represents an ISO 7816-4 specified Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) sent to a smart card.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request for an OpenEMS Component that implements JsonApi.
A Service that provides access to OpenEMS-Components.
Static method collection for AppDefs for selecting different kinds of OpenemsComponents.
Provides a generic test framework for OpenEMS Components.
Holds the value of a configuration property.
Creates a constraint with following settings:.
This class provides a default object for the Contact type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
This controller prints all channels and their values on the console.
Provides a generic test framework for OpenEMS Controllers.
Utilities for conversion between miscellaneous datatypes.
Inner class for conversion exceptions
CRC16 is a class containing an implementation of the Cyclic-Redundency-Check (CRC) CRC16.
CRC8 is a class to contain an implementation of the Cyclic-Redundency-Check CRC8 for the iButton.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'createComponentConfig'.
Holds credentials for access to Odoo and PostgresQL.
Holds credentials for access to PostgresQL.
The Meta.ChannelId.CURRENCY mandates the selection of the 'currency' configuration property of this specific type.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for sending the current data of all subscribed Channels.
Holds the Read- and Write-Tasks for one Cycle.
Manages the Read-, Write- and Wait-Tasks for one Cycle.
This class provides a default object for the D2A type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
General functions of data set
A Builder for a Formly DateTime Picker.
History Day data block
This class is intended to help both developers of the 1-Wire API for Java and developers using the 1-Wire API for Java to have a standard method for printing debug messages.
This Worker checks if certain OpenEMS-Components are configured and - if not - configures them.
Holds a configuration.
Do not touch this file.
The Risk Level is describing the risk propensity and effects on the SoC curve during the day.
Updates an OpenemsAppInstance..
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'deleteComponentConfig'.
DemoData is only available in COM versions older than 8.0
Represents a dependency in the configuration of the AppManager of an app.
Defines if the dependency app should get created when creating the parent app.
Defines if the dependency app gets deleted when deleting its parent.
Defines if the user can delete an app which is a dependency of another app.
Defines if the user can change properties of the dependency app.
Defines if the dependency should get updated when updating the parent app.
Represents a wrapper around JSON-RPC Notification for compatibility with deprecated OpenEMS Edge.
Class DeviceMonitor represents the monitor that searches the 1-Wire net for new arrivals.
Represents a group of 1-Wire addresses that have either arrived to or departed from the 1-Wire network.
Interface for classes which will listen to device monitor events such as arrivals, departures, and network exceptions.
Represents an encapsulated exception from a particular Device Monitor.
Implements the dezony REST-Api.
Describes a dezony IQ evcs App.
Provides helper utilities to handle Dictionarys.
This implementation ignores the PID filter and instead just returns the unfiltered target value - making sure it is within the allowed minimum and maximum limits.
This implementation ignores the Ramp filter and instead just returns the unfiltered target value.
Client for the Discovergy API (
Local network search utilities (mDNS)
This Worker constantly checks if the disk is full.
Provides static meta information for a Channel.
Binary data representation.
Float data representation.
The abstract base class for all 1-Wire port adapter objects.
Embedded Data Representations.
Listener for service value changes.
This DSPortAdapter class was designed to be used for the iB-IDE's emulator.
Provides a simple, simulated AnalogVoltageOutput component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated Battery component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a ComponentContext for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a ComponentManager for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a ConfigurationAdmin for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated Controller component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a Cycle for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated ElectricityMeter component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a Host for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated HybridEss that is also a ManagedSymmetricEss component and can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated Digital Input/Output component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Represents a dummy inverter - e.g.
Provides a simple, simulated ManagedAsymmetricEss component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated ManagedSymmetricBatteryInverter component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated ManagedSymmetricEss component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated ManagedSymmetricPvInverter Component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated MetaEss (i.e.
Provides a simple, simulated OffGridSwitch component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
A default DummyOpenemsBackendOem for OpenEMS Backend.
A default OpenemsEdgeOem for OpenEMS Edge.
A DummyRegisterElement is a placeholder for an empty ModbusRegisterElement.
Provides a simple, simulated SinglePhaseMeter ElectricityMeter component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated Sum component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Provides a simple, simulated Timedata component that can be used together with the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a User for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Simulates a UserService for the OpenEMS Component test framework.
Inverter date and time
Defines all Events an Edge can throw.
Holds the configuration of an Edge.
Represents an instance of an OpenEMS Component.
Represents a Channel of an OpenEMS Component.
Channel-Details for EnumChannel.
Channel-Details for OpenemsType-Channel.
Channel-Details for StateChannel.
Represents an OpenEMS Component Factory.
Represents a configuration option of an OpenEMS Component Factory.
Represents the difference between an old and a new configuration of a Component.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for OpenEMS Edge configuration.
This Worker constantly checks if EdgeConfig was updated, e.g.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Notification for a specific Edge-ID.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request for a specific Edge-ID.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'edgeRpc'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for sending the current data of all subscribed Channels of multiple Edges.
Represents an electricity Meter.
Provides Functions to convert from Element to Channel and back.
Converts between Element and Channel by applying a scale factor.
See table 8-16 EMS Power Mode.
Simulates a detailed Energy-Flow.
Inverter internal energy meter representation
This Handler class makes sure that Energy values are steadily rising.
Describes a App for ENTSO-E.
This enum holds every possible error channel id for a gridcon.
This enum holds every possible error channel id for a gridcon.
Errors and Warnings log
Inverter error representation
This file should contain all the extra channels apart from the standard natures that the StoraXe provides.
Hypercharger EV charging protocol interface.
Describes a evcs cluster.
This class provides a default object for the Event type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
A utility class for fetching exchange rates from a web API.
Executes a simulation.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'executeSimulation'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to execute a system command on OpenEMS Edge.
Holds common parameters for a ExecuteSystemCommandRequest.SystemCommand.
JSON-RPC Response to ExecuteSystemCommandRequest.
Holds common parameters for a response to a ExecuteSystemCommandRequest.SystemCommand.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to execute a system restart.
JSON-RPC Response to ExecuteSystemRestartRequest.
Executes a System Update.
Holds maximum/minimum ever experienced values, handles updating the Channel and the Core.Sum configuration for persistence.
Charge the battery with maximum power for 10 minutes.
Implements a Write Holding Registers Task, using Modbus function code 16 (
Implements a Read Coils Task, implementing Modbus function code 1 (
Implements a Read Inputs Task, implementing Modbus function code 2 (
Implements a Read Holding Register Task, implementing Modbus function code 3 (
Implements a Read Input Register Task, implementing Modbus function code 4 (
Implements a Write Single Coil Task, using Modbus function code 5 (
Describes a FENECON Home energy storage system.
Describes a FENECON Home 20 energy storage system.
Describes a FENECON Home 30 energy storage system.
The EdgeConfigUpdate-Model.
The EdgeDevice-Model.
The EdgeDeviceUserRole-Model.
Represents one XML "Kanal" element inside the WAGO ea-config.xml file.
Handles Influx FieldTypeConflictExceptions.
Describes a fix active power app.
Describes a fix state of charge app.
A FloatDoublewordElement represents a Float value according to IEEE-754 in an AbstractDoubleWordElement.
A FloatQuadruplewordElement represents a Float value in an AbstractQuadrupleWordElement.
Implements queries using Flux.
Holds parameters for 'Force Charge' mode.
Holds parameters for 'Force Discharge' mode.
A Builder for a Formly field.
Describes a App for Fronius PV-Inverter.
Represents a generic JSON-RPC Notification.
Represents a generic JSON-RPC Request.
Represents a generic JSON-RPC Success Response.
Gets the available OpenemsApp.
Gets the App-Assistant for a OpenemsApp.
Gets the App-Descriptor for a OpenemsApp.
Gets the active instances of an OpenemsApp.
Gets the available OpenemsApps.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Response to "getDevices" Request.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request to query the available OneWire devices.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getEdgeConfig'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getEdgeConfig'.
JSON-RPC Request for getting a edge.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for GetEdgeRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getChannelsValues'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for GetEdgesChannelsValuesRequest.
JSON-RPC Request for getting a edges with a GetEdgesRequest.PaginationOptions.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for GetEdgesRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getEdgesStatus'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for GetEdgesStatusRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getMeters'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getFieldNames'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getMeters'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getMeters'.
Exports the Modbus Protocol to an Excel (xlsx) file.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getModbusProtocolExportXlsx'.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Request to query the Modbus Protocol from Modbus/TCP Api-Controller.
Wraps a JSON-RPC Response to "getModbusProtocol" Request.
Gets the current network configuration.
JSON-RPC Response to "getNetworkConfig" Request.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getSchedule'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getMeters'.
Gets the System Update State.
JSON-RPC Response to GetSystemUpdateStateRequest.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getEdgeConfig'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'getAlertingConfig'.
Gets the User Information.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for GetUserInformationRequest.
This enum holds every possible channel id for a gridcon.
Describes functions of the gridcon pcs system.
Power main grid measurements
Describes a App for a Grid Optimized Charge.
Reads the State of the Grid-Switch relays.
Implements the Hardy Barth Api.
Describes a Hardy Barth evcs App.
Describes a App for a RTU Heating Element.
Describes a App for a Heat Pump.
Inverter history
The Host-Component handles access to the host computer and operating system.
History Hour data block
This class provides a default object for the Humidity type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
1-Wire Humidity interface class for basic Humidity measuring operations.
A HybridEss is a SymmetricEss with one or more EssDcChargers.
Represents a Hybrid Symmetric Battery-Inverter - as part of a HybridEss - that can be controlled.
Describes a IES Keywatt evcs App.
Before the battery is started, values are wrongly received as 'zero' via Modbus.
If the GoodWeGridMeter State 'HAS_NO_METER' is set, all values should be considered 'null' instead of 'zero'.
Helper class for wrapping an IPv4 address together with its subnetmask in CIDR format.
Implements queries using InfluxQL, which is reported to be faster than Flux:
A Builder for a Formly Input.
Inverter measurements
Generic IO routines.
Describes a App for a Janitza meter.
Declares a class as being able to handle JSON-RPC Requests.
Represents a JSON-RPC Message.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response Error.
Represents a JSON-RPC Success Response.
A temporary builder class for JsonArrays.
A temporary builder class for JsonObjects.
Describes a App for Kaco PV-Inverter.
Describes a App for a Kdk meter.
Describes a Keba evcs App.
Describes a App for KMtronic 8-Channel Relay.
Describes a App for Kostal PV-Inverter.
This class provides a default object for the Level type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
Severity/visibility Level.
Log message.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to logout.
The LSerialAdapter class implements the DSPortAdapter interface for a legacy 1-Wire serial interface adapters such as the DS9097.
Represents a Single-Phase Energy Storage System.
Represents a Symmetric Battery-Inverter that can be controlled.
Provides a generic test framework for OpenEMS ManagedSymmetricEsss.
Represents a 3-Phase, symmetric PV-Inverter.
A User that can be used for Logging in.
Describes a App for a manual relay control.
Provides helper utilities to handle Maps.
Memory bank interface class for basic memory communication with iButtons (or 1-Wire devices).
Memory bank class for the NVRAM with built-in CRC generation and Password protected memory read/write iButtons and 1-Wire Devices.
Memory bank class for the Scratchpad section of NVRAM iButtons and 1-Wire devices with password protected memory pages.
Memory bank class for the Scratchpad section of SHA EEPROM iButtons and 1-Wire devices with SHA write-protected memory pages.
Memory bank class for the DS1961S/DS2432.
Properties for one notification.
Schedules one or more Message for type MessageScheduler to a specific time.
Specifies classes able to generate a fitting MessageScheduler to a Handler with the same generic
invalid reference
Defines Events a Metadata can throw.
This implementation of MetadataService reads Edges configuration from a file.
A MetaEss is a wrapper for physical energy storage systems.
A MetaEvcs is a wrapper for physical electric vehicle charging stations.
Implements a meter using values from a gridcon.
Implements the Janitza UMG 511 power analyzer.
Implements the Janitza UMG 604 power analyzer.
Implements the Janitza UMG 96RM-E power analyzer.
Implements the Janitza UMG 96RM-E power analyzer.
Implements the PQ Plus UMD 96 meter.
Implements the PQ Plus UMD 97 meter.
Implements the Siemens PAC2200/PAC3200/PAC4200 power meter.
Copy of MeterType.
Defines the type of the Meter.
Describes a Microcare SDM630 meter App.
Executes subscriber every full Minute or once after a specified time of Minutes.
Implementation of MinuteTimer using an ScheduledExecutorService and the systems default Clock for asynchronous execution.
Interface class for 1-Wire® devices that perform analog measuring operations.
A OpenEMS Component that uses Modbus communication.
This abstract class serves as an Interface-like abstraction to avoid Java Generics for external access.
ModbusRecordCycleValues allow to receive a ModbusRecord via a Function.
A ModbusRegisterElement represents one or more Modbus Registers.
Describes a App for ReadOnly Modbus/TCP Api.
Describes a App for ReadWrite Modbus/TCP Api.
The ModbusWorker schedules the execution of all Modbus-Tasks, like reading and writing modbus registers.
This type defines the module type.
History Month data block
Describes a App for MQTT Api.
This helper class wraps a connection to an MQTT broker.
This Utility class provides methods for handling MQTT-related operations.
Generic Mulitcast broadcast listener.
This implementation answers Modbus-TCP Slave requests.
Largely copied from SynchronizedAbstractRegister.
Interface for holding all constants related to Network Adapter communications.
An inner utility class for coupling Socket with I/O streams
NetAdapterHost is the host (or server) component for a network-based DSPortAdapter.
NetAdapterSim is the host (or server) component for a network-based DSPortAdapter.
This Worker reads the actual network configuration and stores it in the Host configuration.
Class NetworkDeviceMonitor represents the monitor that searches the 1-Wire net, including the traversal of branches, looing for new arrivals and departures.
Wrapper for the reply of a call to OdooUtils.sendJsonrpcRequest(String, JsonObject).
Represents a Energy Storage System with Off-Grid capabilities.
Represents a device that can be used to determine the grid status (On-Grid or Off-Grid) and actively switch connection between On-Grid and Off-Grid.
The OneWireAccessProvider class manages the Maxim adapter class derivatives of DSPortAdapter.
A OneWireContainer encapsulates the DSPortAdapter, the 1-Wire® network address, and methods to manipulate a specific 1-Wire device.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 01 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS1990A, Serial Number.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 02 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS1991, MultiKey.
1-Wire container for 512 byte memory iButton Plus Time, DS1994 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2404.
1-Wire® container for a Single Addressable Switch, DS2405.
1-Wire container for 512 byte memory iButton, DS1993.
1-Wire container for 128 byte memory iButton, DS1992.
1-Wire container for 128 byte Add-Only memory (EPROM) iButton, DS1982 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2502.
1-Wire container for 2048 byte memory iButton, DS1995.
1-Wire container for 2048 byte Add-Only memory (EPROM) iButton, DS1985 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2505.
1-Wire container for 8192 byte memory iButton, DS1996.
1-Wire container for 8192 byte Add-Only memory (EPROM) iButton, DS1986 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2506.
1-Wire container for temperature iButton which measures temperatures from -55@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly to +100@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly, DS1920 or DS18S20.
1-Wire® container for a Dual Addressable Switch, DS2406 or DS2407.
1-Wire container for 512 byte Add-Only memory (EPROM) iButton, DS1983 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2503.
1-Wire container for 32 byte EEPROM memory iButton, DS1971 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2430A.
1-Wire® container for a SHA Transaction iButton, DS1963S.
1-Wire container for 512 byte memory iButton with write cycle counters, DS1963L.
1-Wire® container for a Addressable 1-Wire 4K-bit EEPROM, DS28E04.
1-Wire container for 512 byte memory with external counters, DS2423.
1-Wire® container for 1-Wire(MicroLAN) Coupler, DS2409.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 20 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS2450, 1-Wire Quad A/D Converter.
1-Wire® container for a Thermochron iButton, DS1921.
1-Wire container for temperature iButton which measures temperatures from -55@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly to +125@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly, DS1822.
1-Wire container for 512 byte EEPROM memory iButton, DS1973 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2433.
1-Wire container for Real-Time-Clock (RTC) iButton, DS1904 and 1-Wire Chip, DS2415.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 26 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS2438, Smart Battery Monitor.
1-Wire container for Real-Time Clock with Interrupt, DS2417.
1-Wire container for temperature iButton which measures temperatures from -55@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly to +125@htmlonly invalid input: '&#176'C @endhtmlonly, DS18B20.
1-Wire® container for a Single Addressable Switch, DS2408.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 2C (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS2890, 1-Wire Digital Potentiometer.
1-Wire® container for the '1K-Bit protected 1-Wire EEPROM family type 2D (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS2431.
1-Wire® container that encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 30 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS2760, High Precision Li-ion Battery Monitor.
1-Wire® container for the '1K-Bit protected 1-Wire EEPROM with SHA-1 Engine' family type 33 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS1961S,DS2432.
1-Wire® container for a 32K bytes of read-only and read/write password protected memory, DS1977.
1-Wire® container for a Single Addressable Switch, DS2413.
1-Wire® container for a Temperature and Humidity/A-D Logging iButton, DS1922.
1-Wire® container for a 1-Wire programmable resolution digital thermometer with "sequence detect" and PIO, the DS28EA00.
1-Wire® container for the '1K-Bit protected 1-Wire EEPROM family type 43 (hex), Maxim Integrated Products part number: DS28EC20.
This is the general exception thrown by the iButton and 1-Wire operations.
This exception is thrown when there is an IO error communicating on on the 1-Wire Network.
1-Wire sensor interface class for basic sensor operations.
An OpenemsAppInstance is one instance of an OpenemsApp with a specific configuration.
The status of the current OpenemsApp.
This is the base interface for and should be implemented by every service component in OpenEMS Edge.
Holds named OpenEMS Errors.
OperatingSystem implementation for Debian with systemd.
OperatingSystem implementation for Windows.
This task is executed once in the beginning and afterwards every full 15 minutes.
Options-Factory for setting options with their translations.
This Worker constantly validates:.
One-Time-Programmable (OTP) Memory bank interface for iButtons (or 1-Wire devices) with OTP features.
This Worker constantly checks for heap-dump files in /usr/lib/openems directory.
An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames on 1-Wire devices.
Instances of the 1-Wire file descriptor class serve as an opaque handle to the underlying machine-specific structure representing an open file, an open socket, or another source or sink of bytes.
A OWFileInputStream obtains input bytes from a file in a 1-Wire Filesystem.
Signals that an attempt to open the file on a 1-Wire device denoted.
A 1-Wire file output stream is an output stream for writing data to a OWFile or to a OWFileDescriptor.
1-Wire® Network path.
1-Wire® Network path element.
Represents a failed 1-Wire memory sync operation.
Paged Memory bank interface for iButtons (or 1-Wire devices) with page based memory.
Copy of Parity.
Public interface for all devices which implement some form of password protection.
Describes a symmetric peak shaving app.
This worker combines writes to lastMessage and lastUpdate fields, to avoid DDOSing Odoo/Postgres by writing too often.
The PersistencePriority is used by...
Copy of Parity.
Describes a asymmetric peak shaving app.
PhaseDef represents one Phase of the Heating Element.
A proportional-integral-derivative controller.
Simple implementation of plot.
Defines a polyline built of multiple points defined by a JsonArray.
1-Wire® Potentiometer interface class for basic potentiometer operations.
This lambda friendly functional class creates a Power Constraint when a new write-value is sent to the Channel (setNextWriteValue()).
Holds a prediction - one value per 15 minutes.
Provides a Prediction.
Describes a prepare battery extension app.
The Priorities for charging.
Defines the PV-Port of a GoodWe Charger Two-String.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesData'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesData'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesEnergyPerPeriod'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesEnergyPerPeriod'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesEnergy'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesEnergy'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Response for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesExportXlxs'.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'queryHistoricTimeseriesExportXlxs'.
Different types of Query implementations.
Helper enum to wrap information about racks.
Helper class that provides channels and channel ids for a multi rack channels and ids are created dynamically depending on system configuration.
A controller that applies a ramp to a given value.
Handles replies to Report Queries sent by ReadWorker.
A Modbus 'ReadTask' is holding references to one or more Modbus ModbusElements which have register addresses in the same range.
Provider interface for a RelayProps.RelayContactInformation.
A Builder for a Formly Checkbox.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for resending aggregated data.
Resolution to hold duration and ChronoUnit.
A ResponseAPDU represents an Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) received from the smart card in response to a previous CommandAPDU.
Describes a App for ReadOnly Rest JSON Api.
Describes a App for ReadWrite Rest JSON Api.
A SAX parser.
Data for JSONRPC-Response.
A MessageSchedulerService implementation using MinuteTimer.
This Scheduler returns all existing Controllers ordered by their ID.
This Scheduler takes a list of Component IDs and returns the Controllers statically sorted by this order.
Generate secure random tokens.
A Builder for a Formly Select.
Shows the selected connector of the Hypercharger.
A Builder for a Formly Select Group.
Describes a App for a Grid Optimized Charge.
Method SendChannelValuesWorker.collectData() is called Synchronously with the Core.Cycle to collect values of Channels.
Method SendChannelValuesWorker.collectData() is called Synchronously with the Core.Cycle to collect values of Channels.
The SerialService class provides serial IO services to the USerialAdapter class.
Sets the write value of a Channel.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'setGridConnSchedule'.
Updates the current network configuration.
Inverter settings
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'getEdgeConfig'.
Sets the User Information.
Utility methods for performing SHA calculations.
This class implements an account debit application for SHA Transactions.
This class implements an account debit application for unsigned SHA Transactions.
Class for holding instances of SHA iButton Coprocessors involved in SHA Transactions.
Class for simulating an instance of a SHA iButton Coprocessor involved in SHA Transactions.
The abstract superclass for all users of a SHAiButton transaction system.
Class representing DS1963S (or DS2421), family-code 0x18, SHA iButtons as a user token in SHA Transactions.
Class representing DS1961S (or DS2432), family-code 0x33, SHA iButtons as a user token in SHA Transactions.
This class implements an software authrization account application for SHA Transactions.
Abstract super class for all SHA Transactions.
Implements the local Shelly REST Api.
A SignedDoublewordElement represents a Long value in an AbstractDoubleWordElement.
A SignedQuadruplewordElement represents a Long value in an AbstractQuadrupleWordElement.
An SignedWordElement represents a Short value in an AbstractSingleWordElement.
Represents a Single-Phase Inverter, e.g.
Helper class that provides channels and channel ids for a multi rack channels and ids are created dynamically depending on system configuration.
Calculates the 'Sliding Value' for a value.
Describes a App for SMA PV-Inverter.
Describes a App for a Socomec meter.
Describes a App for SolarEdge PV-Inverter.
SplitDataWorker manages an internal Queue which can be filled via SplitDataWorker.addData(String, TreeBasedTable).
Every OpenEMS Component that implements StartStoppable is required to have a configuration property "startStop" of this type that overrides the logic of the StartStoppable.setStartStop(StartStop) method:.
Declares an OpenEMS Component as being able to get started and stopped.
Defines a State of a AbstractStateMachine.
Represents a single state.
OnInit-Function for StateChannelDoc.
Collects the values of all StateChannels.
Defines a Handler for a State of a AbstractStateMachine.
Inverter status
State Definition.
Provides static helper functions for string manipulation.
An StringWordElement represents a String value.
Describes a App for StromdaoCorrently.
Submits the Setup Protocol.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to subscribe to Channels.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to subscribe to Channels of multiple Edges.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to subscribe to Edges.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to subscribe to Edges.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to subscribe to system log.
Enables access to sum/average data.
This tool converts SunSpec Json definitions to Java code suitable for the OpenEMS SunSpec implementation.
POJO container for a SunSpec Model.
POJO container for a SunSpec Point.
POJO container for a SunSpec Point Symbol.
Represents a SunSpec Model.
This is taken from the first sheet inside the SunSpec excel file.
Holds one "Point" or "Register" within a SunSpec "Model" or "Block".
The internal PointImpl object for easier handling in Enums.
This class provides a default object for the Switch type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
Interface class for 1-Wire® switch devices.
Represents a Symmetric Battery-Inverter.
Inverter general information
Holds a System-Log line.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for sending the current system log.
Represents a JSON-RPC Request to execute a system update.
This class provides a default object for a tagged 1-Wire device.
The tag parser parses tagging information.
Manages a number of ManagedTasks with different priorities.
Supplies Tasks.
1-Wire temperature interface class for basic temperature measuring operations.
This class provides a default object for the Thermal type of a tagged 1-Wire device.
Represents a three-phase symmetric inverter.
Describes a App for a Threshold Controller.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface BiConsumer.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface BiFunction.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface Consumer.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface Function.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface Runnable.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface Supplier.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface ThrowingBiConsumer.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface ThrowingBiFunction.
Describes a App for Tibber.
Provides read and write access to InfluxDB.
Holds individual Time-of-Use prices - one value per 15 minutes.
Provides quarterly Time-of-Use Tariff prices.
Bundle class of multiple Timeranges.Timerange.
Represents a JSON-RPC Notification for timestamped data sent from Edge to Backend.
The DSPortAdapter class for all TMEX native adapters.
This interface is similar to the java.util interface BiFunction.
Handles implicit conversions between OpenemsTypes.
Units of measurement used in OpenEMS.
An UnsignedDoublewordElement represents a Long value in an AbstractDoubleWordElement.
An UnsignedQuadruplewordElement represents a Long value in an AbstractQuadrupleWordElement.
An UnsignedWordElement represents an Integer value in an AbstractSingleWordElement.
Updates an OpenemsAppInstance..
Represents a JSON-RPC Request for 'updateComponentConfig'.
Updates the User Language.
Updates the User Settings.
This worker reads the actual USB configuration and stores it in the Host configuration.
A User used by OpenEMS Backend.
A User used by OpenEMS Edge.
The USerialAdapter class implements the DSPortAdapter interface for a DS2480 based serial adapter such as the DS9097U-009 or DS9097U-S09.
This component handles User authentication.
Library initialization.
Used for
invalid reference
TimedataTimescaleDb#getChannelIdsFromSchemaCache(Schema, String, Set)
It is important to understand, that a Channel Value could be UNDEFINED (i.e.
VECTIS measurements
Library version.
Represents a data model version of the rrd4j database files.
A VirtualMeter is a meter that does not exist physically.
Describes a Webasto Next evcs App.
Describes a Webasto Unite evcs App.
Defines the word order.
Handles writes.
A Wrapper for writing a POJO (plain old java object) to a WriteChannel.
Objects of this class are used to store additional data with websocket connections of WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer.
XML services.
History Year data block
Represents different energy market zones.